Friends of Young Carers
Bath & NE Somerset
You have come to the right place if you want to make a positive difference to the lives of young carers, those they care for, and their families.
You should find all you need to know about us, and our work, here. If you don't, please go to our "contact us" page and let us know.
You can change their world. Yes, you can.

About Young Carers
Annie is eight years old. She lives alone with her mother who has mental health problems and also suffers from agoraphobia. Annie can't have friends round or go to the park to play due to her mum's illness. Annie is there for her mum doing housework, shopping and cheering mum up when she is down. Annie is aware that her life is different to her peers.A young carer is a child aged up to 18 from any ethnic or social background who has caring responsibilites in their home.
Imagine at age 10 caring for a family member who is sick, disabled or has mental health problems or, is misusing drugs or alcohol.
Caring can mean anything, from cooking, cleaning, shopping, providing nursing and personal care, to giving emotional support.
With so many adult responsibilities, young carers often miss out on opportunities that other children have to play and learn. Many struggle educationally and are often bullied for being ‘different’. They can become isolated, with no relief from the pressures at home, and no chance to enjoy a normal childhood. They are often afraid to ask for help as they fear letting the family down or being taken into care.What young carers say about how caring affects them:"I care for my mum who uses a wheelchair. Sometimes I stay off school to look after her and take my brother to school.""I don’t go out with friends much because it means leaving mum on her own in the house.""Sometimes I feel lonely, that I am the only one and nobody understands.""I give my mum her tea and tablets in the morning. I get upset when she is sad and don’t want to leave her.""Everyone in my class is going away on a trip for the weekend with school. I can’t go because I need to stay with my dad."There are currently over 580 young carers registered with the Young Carers Service in this area.The Young Carers Service aims to provide -
- information and support to help young carers make informed choices.
- one to one sessions, normally a series of six, providing information and practical tips.
- an advocacy service to ensure young carers voices are heard.
- individual awards.
- a free newsletter called Chill.
There is great emphasis on young carers setting the agenda and having a voice on all key issues.
In addition, the service provides professionals (such as social workers, teachers and health staff) with advice, resources and training on young carers issues.
All in all, a great service, however it's impact is considerably impaired as a result of under-resourcing and under-funding.

Friends of Young Carers Bath & NES
What is Friends of Young Carers?
The charity was formed in 2007 to raise awareness of the issues faced by young carers locally, to provide fundraising support to the Young Carers Service and to monitor the expenditure of those funds by working closely with the Young Carers Development Worker. The money raised is not intended to replace existing provision, or services which are the responsibility of statutory agencies.
The charity does not have to rent offices or pay staff, and with a Committee who are all volunteers, this means the impact of all donations received is maximised.Our Patrons are
- Gail Read. Gail has spent over 30 years working with the Allied Dunbar Foundation raising many millions of pounds for worthy causes throughout the UK.
- Jim Cronin, our past Chairman, is our token Brummie, a business mentor for The Princes Trust, and Bath Rugby and Birmingham City supporter.
- Alan Young's 40 years experience in financial services has, time and again, shown what a difference a well timed helping hand can make and, as he says, nobody deserves it more than our struggling young carers.The Committee are -
- Rosie Driver is our Treasurer, a qualified accountant who tells us, given her abilities with a calculator, that she helps keep the average age of the Committee down!
- Georgia Griffiths is a former science teacher who now works in the financial services sector and still has a passion for helping support and develop young people. A Manchester United fan - one who was actually born in the area!
- Suzanne Helyar is our ticket seller extra-ordinaire, an active supporter of the Holy Trinity Church, Combe Down and a regular cook for the Genesis Trust, supporting homeless and vulnerable people in Bath.
- Julie Taylor retired in 2011 having been head of a centre for children with autism where she was able to appreciate the day to day challenges and difficulties experienced by sibling carers.
-Katherine Lauder
-Phil Lauder

How can you help?
How can you help?
Well, in truth, you are already a friend simply by reading this and increasing your awareness of young carers and their needs. If you want to do more, why not...- come along and have a good time at our fundraising activities including discos, quiz evenings and wine tastings?- join the distribution list for the occasional email from us updating you about our activities?
- sponsor one of our events and cover expenditure such as room hire or printing?- donate items for us to use as raffle prizes or auction items?- undertake your own fundraising event such as a half marathon run, sponsored walk or bike ride? You can create a fundraising page linked to our account here -
Donation Online button
- if you work for a company or are part of a community organisation, adopt us as your Charity of the Year?- make a donation online using the button below?
Donation Online button
All help, of whatever nature, is welcomed. Thank you.

If you would like more information, please use this form, or write to us c/o Jackday House, Church Road, Combe Down Bath BA2 5JL. Thank you for visiting our website.
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